April 12, 2011

I needa slow it down.

I am constantly a step ahead of myself. 

Planning a wedding, aka. booking the videographer before we got engaged. I won't apologize for that. He is amazing. 
and only had two dates left in the fall. 

I can say he is one of the things I am most excited about. :) 
and the food.
&&& my dress.
oh. ya.
& the fact that I get to marry my best friend.

So, I'm ahead of myself now because I love to look at home decorating/DIY/stay at home interior designers blogs. I recent;y found Dana's blog over at House*tweaking. I'm obsessed with everything she does.

So now, all I can dream about is owning a home where I can let my creativity flow, and do all of this magic.


seeing as how, I don't get married for oh... I don't know... 193 more days. and we don't exactly have the income to buy a home. 
I'm stuck dreaming. 
(but I'm still copying and pasting all of these designs/ideas and saving them in the crazy chance that in 10 years when I have all this, I'll still want to decorate like this.)


March 25, 2011

Wedding Planning Makes Me CRAZY.

211 Days till I get to marry the most amazing person ever.
It's way too long away.
A couple days ago, I got a little stressed thinking about ALL the things I had to do and all the questions people were asking about everything.... and amongst all the stress, I got so giddy.
I started thinking about how I'm going to feel when the wedding is like a week away.
I was so excited I couldn't help but smile and do a little dance in my car on the way home.
So here a couple of my favorite giddy dances :)                                                                                              


Today is a new day. 
That's refreshing.
Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
God doesn't recycle the forgotten or ignored mercies. He brings them new. Every morning God chooses to shower us with mercies and see today as new. 
So remember to wake up today, knowing that today is just a day.
Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow will come when it's gosh darn ready, and today? Well, today is here. 
I like that feeling of hope, knowing that I can do nothing to change yesterday.

Jordan and I met last night with some of my favorite people for a little marriage prepping.
Amongst the conversation, Mickey pointed out Psalms 1.

Oh, the joys of those who do not
      follow the advice of the wicked,
      or stand around with sinners,
      or join in with mockers.
 2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
      meditating on it day and night.
 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
      bearing fruit each season.
   Their leaves never wither,
      and they prosper in all they do.

Now, most translations say, "bearing fruit in it's season." Thats all good and well, but something about the different translation has really stuck with me. "each season".
Now, I'm no green thumbing kinda expert, but I think its safe to say no one tree/plant can bear fruit all year round. At some point, it takes a breather from its job. I think I take advantage of this picture of bearing fruit by saying, "it's just a rough season", "soon it will be spring! My fruit will be seen then!."
But, this new way to interpret this verse says, in every season, I WILL BEAR FRUIT. 
Regardless of my circumstances, I have the ability to bear fruit in the worst of climates, and situations.

So, I choose, TODAY, to bear fruit.  

October 21, 2010

I'm Fairly Awesome. I know it.

So I realllllly need to be better about this.

But life is busy.
I think it will forgive me.

So I'm going to make a effort. (a small one)

to blog atleast once a MONTH. (that seems like an easy thing to do, but let's start small people and work up to something crazy... like once a week :))

So I'm starting today, October 21, 2010.
I don't think this one will count in my month because I'm not going to say anything of imporantance... just making a committment.


March 1, 2010

Beginnings. Redeemings.

Its always scary to start something new. Even when its something you have done before. Each summer, fear and anxiety come over you as you prepare for the daunting summer camp. You'll be with the same kids as the several previous years, but there is that question of "What if..."

  • What if all my friends have new friends? 
  • What if no one likes me? 
  • What if I'm the only one who didn't keep up with everyone after camp last year?
It's that fear though, that makes it exciting. 

So alas, I begin a new blog. 

Who knows if anyone will even read this, at the moment no one is even aware of its existence. 
Its for me mostly. My musings. My art. 

My current obsessions in life: JJ Heller, Natalienortonphoto.com, my camera, rewatching all the seasons of 30 Rock, and the book "12 Extraordinary Women."

JJ Heller and Natalie Norton basically are my lifelines lately. 
Their words are direct lines to my heart and soul. 
Please whenever in life this blog finds you, go read Natalie's blog. She is so heartfelt. 
Her words move me in such a unique way. Go right now. 

In regards to 12 Extraordinary Women, I have just been consumed with these women. Naomi in particular. She was this woman who had literally lost everything. Imagine the devastation of losing one of your immediate family members? Your husband. You lost your best friend. the love of your life. But wait, you still have your children, they will comfort you. Then they die too. Your children. Lost the three most important people in your life, one right after the other. 
I'm not sure that even devastated can actually give what she was feeling justice.
Tack on the fact that she was an elder woman who had nothing to her name and was in a place that wasn't even her home. Or even a place that she liked for that matter. (According to history, Israelites were very anti Moabites.) 
She even said that she wanted to no longer be called Naomi
 "Don't call me Naomi, " she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has
 made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the LORD has brought me back 
empty. Why call me Naomi? The LORD has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought 
misfortune upon me." - Ruth 1:20-21
She had lost all hope. But she was not bitter as we would think of bitter. She was not bitter at God. She was like Job. Hopeless, but trusting God's provision and plan. and He fullfilled. 
Not only by giving her a kinsman-redeemer, but even more shockingly, gave her lineage in the line of Jesus. 
He took a woman who had nothing to live for anymore, and because of her faithfulness, he rewarded her with being apart of the line that would change the world. Of all the lineage to give this woman... HE chose the LINE OF DAVID. 

That is redemption.
Isn't God great. Redeeming our lives. For no reason other than His Glory. 

I think this story is amazing. A heavenly reminder that God never sees us as at the end of the rope. He is forever our kinsman redeemer. Don't forget that. even in the worst times of despair. 

remember HIS love. 