- What if all my friends have new friends?
- What if no one likes me?
- What if I'm the only one who didn't keep up with everyone after camp last year?
It's that fear though, that makes it exciting.
So alas, I begin a new blog.
Who knows if anyone will even read this, at the moment no one is even aware of its existence.
Its for me mostly. My musings. My art.
My current obsessions in life: JJ Heller, Natalienortonphoto.com, my camera, rewatching all the seasons of 30 Rock, and the book "12 Extraordinary Women."
JJ Heller and Natalie Norton basically are my lifelines lately.
Their words are direct lines to my heart and soul.
Please whenever in life this blog finds you, go read Natalie's blog. She is so heartfelt.
Her words move me in such a unique way. Go right now.
In regards to 12 Extraordinary Women, I have just been consumed with these women. Naomi in particular. She was this woman who had literally lost everything. Imagine the devastation of losing one of your immediate family members? Your husband. You lost your best friend. the love of your life. But wait, you still have your children, they will comfort you. Then they die too. Your children. Lost the three most important people in your life, one right after the other.
I'm not sure that even devastated can actually give what she was feeling justice.
Tack on the fact that she was an elder woman who had nothing to her name and was in a place that wasn't even her home. Or even a place that she liked for that matter. (According to history, Israelites were very anti Moabites.)
She even said that she wanted to no longer be called Naomi
"Don't call me Naomi, " she told them. "Call me Mara, because the Almighty has
made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the LORD has brought me back
empty. Why call me Naomi? The LORD has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought
misfortune upon me." - Ruth 1:20-21
She had lost all hope. But she was not bitter as we would think of bitter. She was not bitter at God. She was like Job. Hopeless, but trusting God's provision and plan. and He fullfilled.
Not only by giving her a kinsman-redeemer, but even more shockingly, gave her lineage in the line of Jesus.
He took a woman who had nothing to live for anymore, and because of her faithfulness, he rewarded her with being apart of the line that would change the world. Of all the lineage to give this woman... HE chose the LINE OF DAVID.
That is redemption.
Isn't God great. Redeeming our lives. For no reason other than His Glory.
I think this story is amazing. A heavenly reminder that God never sees us as at the end of the rope. He is forever our kinsman redeemer. Don't forget that. even in the worst times of despair.
remember HIS love.