April 12, 2011

I needa slow it down.

I am constantly a step ahead of myself. 

Planning a wedding, aka. booking the videographer before we got engaged. I won't apologize for that. He is amazing. 
and only had two dates left in the fall. 

I can say he is one of the things I am most excited about. :) 
and the food.
&&& my dress.
oh. ya.
& the fact that I get to marry my best friend.

So, I'm ahead of myself now because I love to look at home decorating/DIY/stay at home interior designers blogs. I recent;y found Dana's blog over at House*tweaking. I'm obsessed with everything she does.

So now, all I can dream about is owning a home where I can let my creativity flow, and do all of this magic.


seeing as how, I don't get married for oh... I don't know... 193 more days. and we don't exactly have the income to buy a home. 
I'm stuck dreaming. 
(but I'm still copying and pasting all of these designs/ideas and saving them in the crazy chance that in 10 years when I have all this, I'll still want to decorate like this.)
